Sunday, February 20, 2011

She floats

She severs her insecurities.

Joan Miró

Things beautifully falling. Miró. Take me on a journey across the sky. Everything I've ever known, everything I'll never know, the results are the same, both sad and magnificent. That's why I'm drinking. (and you are happy.) did you know I'm deaf? Of course you did. That's the reason I married you. Do you see what I see? It's all beautifully falling. And I was the instigator. And I'm first to go. (I hold her closely but do not breath her in for the fear of becoming like my father. She took photos of a dead skunk today on the way to school. I waited in the car as she took the photos. She smelled absolutely beautiful. And there are no lies. I have heard rumors of flight. Money. Pocket. How old are you? I'm thirty dirty. (Do not listen to the rhyme.) I clip her wings. I love her. I think I can fly. Do you? Worries have wings.